strength training

tips for new runners

7 Tips For New Runners

7 Tips For New Runners to help you get (and keep) running Are you a new runner? Maybe you started running more in lockdown? Me too, I have a race to train for (this is what happens when you work with runners!) Like many, I am not used to running. I am a power athlete; much more at home in the gym under a bar than splashing through puddles on the canal path. With that in mind I am trying…

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strength workout

How To: Progress Your Strength Workouts

How To: Progress Your Strength Workouts There are three important principles of training that I consider when planning strength workouts. Is it getting harder over time? This is the principle of progressive overload. Will it move the person towards their goal? This is specificity. Am I allowing adequate recovery for adaptation to take place? This is the principle of recovery; and it’s a balancing act as giving too much leads to reversibility (when you lose your gains). In this blog…

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Running And Strength Training

How To: Balance Running Training With Strength Training

How To: Balance Running Training With Strength Training Concurrent training is when you manage strength training alongside running training. It is an effective way to bolster endurance performance but getting the balance right between the two needs some consideration. In this blog I will discuss the general consensus for how to programme concurrent training for runners, including why it is beneficial and some common concerns. First of all, it is important to consider what determinants constitute endurance running performance.  These…

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Run Strong members

How To: Get The Most Out Of A Virtual Class Or Membership

How To: Get The Most Out Of A Virtual Class Or Membership How many of you have started attended a ‘virtual class’ over lockdown? Having jumped on this trend too, I have to admit I love the accessibility and ease of the virtual environment. There is no travel time, I can work with people who live all over the world and, despite it being virtual, it still provides a sense of connection and community. And I say this as a…

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Hip Thrust Variations

How To Maximise Your Strength Training: 11 Tips for Runners

How To Maximise Your Strength Training: 11 Tips for Runners So you’ve decided you want to focus some time and energy into getting stronger. But where should you start with strength training? The internet is a confusing place; and when confronted by an abundance of information we often procrastinate because there’s too much choice and we don’t want to get it wrong. Here are 11 Tips to Maximise your Strength Training: 1. Include single-leg strength work  Running is basically single-leg…

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Slow step down

Strength Exercises For Runners

What Are The Best Strength Exercises For Runners? Before we get started on the best strength exercises for runners; a reminder…  Why Is Strength Training Important For Runners? This is an excerpt from a blog I wrote titled ‘Strength training and how it can help your running’.  Running is a sport that requires training because it places high loads on the tissues. Strength training can boost the load bearing capacity of the tissues, increasing the amount of force the tissue…

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Single-leg Squat

Single-Leg Squat: An Exercise Tutorial

Can You Squat Single Legged? Running is repeated single leg impacts. Therefore, it makes sense to supplement your runs with single leg strength work to ensure your tissues and joints can handle the load of running. One exercise that should be in every runners repertoire is the single-leg squat. The single-leg (SL) squat is a tough, tough exercise but one that packs a punch and is excellent for single-leg strength and stability. It is great for runners because it requires…

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Home Workouts for Runners: What to expect from Run Strong

What to expect (and what not to) from Run Strong: Home workouts for runners Run Strong is a membership plan offering home-based strength workouts for runners. This is a class-based plan delivered live via Zoom which runs in four-week blocks. There are two classes a week; both include a warmup or movement prep as well as detailed instruction on each exercise. It is important to me that only people who are suited join us; I’d always tell you if it’s not…

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What Is Strength Training And How Can It Help Your Running?

What Is Strength Training And How Can It Help Your Running? What is strength training? Strength training involves loading the tissues to increase the resistance to a movement. This can come in the form of bodyweight work, or you can use equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, free weights and fixed weights. The outcome of strength training is that you can better cope with any demand or load necessary in sport and life.  To reach your full potential and reduce…

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Personal training

Seven reasons why you should utilise fitness professionals in real life

Hiring a PT, attending a workshop, going to a class, investing in a coach or going to a talk can enhance the effectiveness of your training. Here are seven reasons why I would recommend utilising fitness professionals. Focus The fitness world is vast and knowing where to place your efforts can be daunting. A professional can help focus your energy into the most beneficial type of training for your goals and preferences. They will also help determine the frequency and…

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