

FIVE easy changes to improve your health and fitness

Change can be overwhelming. It can sometimes take me an age to get started on a new project simply because I do not know where to start. Improving your health and fitness can also fall into this category. There is a wealth of information available to us now, but taking the first step can be daunting. I hear ya! With all the fads and scaremongering going on in health and fitness at the moment it is a bit of a…

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Bath personal trainer

Motivation Top Tips

Motivation can be hard to come by. I train every day and have goals that I am very driven to achieve, yet it is not unusual for me to struggle with motivation to train. For me, it is usually associated with how tired I am or how sore I feel. This makes getting out of bed a struggle and getting going even more so. So, I am telling you it’s okay to not want to workout. Everyone feels this way…

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